Friday, February 11, 2011

Riches and Christianity

Is this verse from the Bible?

When someone asks you for something, give it to him; when someone wants to borrow something, lend it to him.
(Mat 5:42)

Is this verse from the Bible? One may be enquiring. There is no doubt that these are the words of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. Meaning if anyone asks you, give, if someone wants to borrow from you lend.

How many times have we turned away someone when we purport not to have. This confession that you do not have has come out to lack. Because as a Christian you have said you do not have this has contributed to your lack. When you are asked of something give.

How many times have we acted like bankers when one asks for a loan? Have we not checked the credit worthiness of someone. I have learnt to lend money that if I am not given back I do not feel as if I have lost out.

In our quest for prosperity, as Christians let us learn to give and to lend. This will show we are different from the unbelievers. This will also radiate love which wins souls to Christ and which will touch the heart of God. This will equal in riches.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Riches and Christianity

Rehabilitation Homes

I have not written in a while, so I must have a burning issue to write about, to finally pen down. I have titled it Rehabilitation Homes. You may be asking, what that has to do with Riches and Christianity? It has everything to do with Christianity and Riches.

It may not be common knowledge that I own a Minibus, but it is a truth. One of the days on a beautiful warm African afternoon I was driving to Mufakose, with passengers. Of all days of the week it was a Saturday.

In the front seat of the Minibus sat two girlfriends who where overwhelmed by the groceries on their hands. As a person gifted with starting conversations, we started to chat, the journey away.

I learnt a whole lot of how they make a living. The Girls are Dancers at an upmarket nightclub and stay at work only to come home after two weeks. I probed on the daily rate for the Job and was informed of an average of USD$ 40 a day. Not bad for Africa, or very Good.

My other enquiry was concerning the need for marriage in their lives, which they responded to say it was not in their mind, as they get all their needs met at the club. What a life.

I started to share the Gospel to their softening hearts but stopped at a thought of how they would survive if they have to leave their trade which is just equal to prostitution.How, how can they start a pure christian life with food on their table.

I must not forget to mention that there were gifts for their brothers in the parcels as well as food for the families back home as well as goodies for their two sons. My questions was how, how will they look after these families when they leave the trade?? How, how?

This stalled my evangelism. I was stuck. I did not know of any practical way in which the church is taking care of thieves and prostitutes who decide to follow Jesus. What has happened to today's Church.

What I see are conferences for the dollar. If we charge for the Gospel, how will we win souls. If we win them how will we look after those drunks who need restoration of the mind to have them lead a pure born again life.

As if inspired by God an idea, came into my mind. If we are going to be rich as Christians we need to touch where God's heart is, Souls, Souls, Souls. Sow your money into building of Rehabilitation homes for addicts, prostitutes and thieves and see how your harvest will be like. This is biblical, the church in the New Testament would put their money together and no one lacked. If we have a fund which looks after the children of prostitutes while the mother receives training on a practical pure skill, how many will get saved.

I can go on and on, if one is wise they have heard the message.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Riches and Christianity

God Uses People to Bless you

I was reading a certain article this past week and I was touched. The author asked if the writers of the Bible had a habit of lying. This is in writing that the Lord said this and that. Ask yourself, were these people who were even quoted by Jesus liars?

They told the truth, many of the things that they spoke of for the future came to pass. Remember, " Mene, Mene, Tekel, Parsin." Mene- God has numbered the days of your reign and brought it to an end. Tekel- You have been weighed on the scales and found wanting. Peres- Your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians. That very night the King Belshazzar was slain. Was Daniel a liar. No. No. No.

Let me tell you this, the same is happening today. Do not always expect an Angel to come and speak into your life like what happened to Mary the mother of Jesus. The pastors, prophets and your friends can be used to speak to you by God.

I come to financial blessing. If you need to pay your brideprice or need capital to finance your business, you can pray. Do not expect God to raid $$$$$$$$ from Heaven. Money will come from your father, your friends, uncles and strangers to your aid. This is from God. He has answered your prayer. If $$$$$$$$$$$ rain from Heaven this is counterfeit and God does not steal. But the devil comes to STEAL, kill and destroy.

Develop good relations, for these people you deal with are your channel to God. He will ask you how can you say you love a God you cannot see yet you hate your brother who you can see.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Riches and Christianity

Integrity Key In Prosperity

Think of it this way, imagine God says he was joking about going to hell, everyone can go into Heaven. In my opinion I am sure that people would protest. In that light we need to be people of our word. God does keep his word.

In business if people cannot trust your word on delivery and quality of work you soon will be out of business. Consider what you preach and live it. Before you promise ensure that you can do what you promise.

This will make you a lot of money and a good name will come along with the wealth you have acquired.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Riches and Christianity

Humility Required to receive from God.

This week I have experienced what I can call folly or also in another expression pride. I will narrate the story.

A church member came to me asking for help, they said they were eating corn morning, afternoon and evening because there is no food. I was touched to help.

The next Tuesday I went to extend a hand, with a few grocery Items. To my shock my groceries were returned. The wife said Tawanda has offended me before so I will not take any of his food.

This humbled me because I have a bad reputation of being foul mouthed. I asked God for forgiveness and have not yet spoken to them to forgive me.

Nevertheless I learnt I need to be humble inorder to receive from God. Even if the giver offends me he can still be used by God to bless me.

I ask any reader to pray for my foul mouth and also to help me to be humble to receive from God.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Riches and Christianity

Forcing People to Give In the Church

I have seen people force people to give in today's church. Either people are told if they do not give an angry God will curse them or if the do give they will be blessed by a smiling happy and richer God.

Many a time the effects are comming from the preachers themselves and God is not in the picture.

We should not force people to give in the church. Rather we should ask and it will be given to us. We should make our expenditures clear to the people that they do not hesitate to give to the cause. If we are faithful God will make us more wealthier.

If you are a pastor, are you being faithful with God's money. If you are a manager are you using the organisation's money in a good fashion or we need an audit. Ask yourself?

For us to be trusted with much we need to be faithful with little.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Riches and Christianity


I want to say that it is a lie that you can be rich without sowing into the spirit world as I said earlier that money is spiritual. All rich people have sown money of something of value to them to either God or the Devil. Do not be fooled.

People who do not worship God sow to the Devil in order to get the money or to secure it. This is the same in the Kingdom of God where Jesus says give and it shall be given back to you. In the Kingdom of the Devil people sacrifice children and relatives, but in God's kingdom he does not ask for that. God wants your time, money and other resources like your car to transport other Christians to church. Your house will do to host church or a cell group. The Kingdom of God is good and loving.

Create an alter for yourself and see what God will do. Give to God and you will unlock riches and honor.