Thursday, January 21, 2010

Riches and Christianity

Credit not against God

I have heard that people feel blessed when they are not in debt and I have experienced such a life.

This experience is due to the fact that I live in Zimbabwe where credit cards do not exist and where it is difficult to borrow more than USD$ 10 000.

The word of God says that if you are blessed by God you will lend to all nations and borrow from none. This is blessing for real.

Nevertheless the word of God does not say that you are a sinner if you borrow money. It is silent though it says the borrower is the servant to the lender.

I know that they are ways to get yourself richer if you use credit wisely. Be advised, do not borrow to pay school fees, get your child to the right school, a school you can afford. Do not borrow to buy food, work for the food you eat, a lazy man must not eat. Do not borrow to buy clothes, a lazy man will wear tattered clothes, work for your clothes or you will be very poor. Wisdom is with a man who borrows to buy a house and puts tenants who will service that loan. You will be on your way to real wealth and prosperity. You can do the same with buying a good business and with buying a commuter bus and with buying an apartment building. The list is endless.

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