Thursday, January 28, 2010

Riches and Christianity


I want to say that it is a lie that you can be rich without sowing into the spirit world as I said earlier that money is spiritual. All rich people have sown money of something of value to them to either God or the Devil. Do not be fooled.

People who do not worship God sow to the Devil in order to get the money or to secure it. This is the same in the Kingdom of God where Jesus says give and it shall be given back to you. In the Kingdom of the Devil people sacrifice children and relatives, but in God's kingdom he does not ask for that. God wants your time, money and other resources like your car to transport other Christians to church. Your house will do to host church or a cell group. The Kingdom of God is good and loving.

Create an alter for yourself and see what God will do. Give to God and you will unlock riches and honor.

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